Products and Services

Rene and Adrian Fuller

Cutting and Styling

Our desire is to give you only the best in hairdressing and professional service; so as to make your appointment as enjoyable as possible.


Wigs for All Occasions

Whether it is for every day wear, or for a special occasion; R & A Fuller Hair World are suppliers of ladies' wigs and hairpieces from Natural Image (including the Raquel Welch collection) and Gisela Mayer.

Great Lengths hair extensions

Great styles take Great Lengths

Great Lengths UK - world leaders in human hair extensions for over 20 years. Made from the finest 100% human hair of guaranteed origin and ethicality our hair extensions are no longer just for the rich and famous.

Mens hairpieces

Hair Replacement for Men

Adrian at R & A Fuller Hair World offers a personal hair replacement service for men.

We offer a personal one-to-one consultation service; to tailor your hair replacement solution to your specific requirements.

Ladies Hairpieces

Hairpieces for women

Rene has spent a career helping cancer patients deal with the very difficult hair loss side effects of chemotherapy. However when she was diagnosed with breast cancer it all became very personal.